Mariko - Graphic Design and Authentic Hand Crafted Jewelry

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Use the form below to send in your order. Once you've finished, please feel free to visit our sponsor on the next page.

Your full name:

Your email address:

Street Address:

City, State Zip:

You can contact me between and

At this phone number:

I prefer to be contacted by:

I need:

Jewelry ServicesPoster ServicesT-Shirt Services
Graphic Design ServicesMiscellaneous Services

My business card will be:

I need this by:

The number of different business cards I need is:

Other information on my Business Card Design order:

I want my web site to have:
Frames Forms JavaScript Animated graphics
Very high level of design Integrated shopping
Very few pages Lots of pages Not Mentioned

Other important details about my site are:
I cannot provide any graphics whatsoever
I have some pictures that can help with the design
I have lots of pictures that can help with the design
I don't have any pictures, but I would buy stock photos
I have copy you can use
I don't need you to write copy
I don't have any copy and I'd like you to write it
I have no idea what I want for content
I don't know what I want for the site at all
I only need the design, I have the content
I don't know anything about this and I can't afford maintenance
I know a few sites that I'd like mine to emulate
I want it to be fully packed with tons of features
I just want a bare bones site

I need this by:

Other information on my Web Design order:

The number of pages the catalog will have, including covers, is:

I need this by:

The number of different catalogs I need is:

Other information on my Catalog Design order:

My brochure will be:

I need this by:

The number of different brochures I need is:

Other information on my Brochure Design order:

I need this by:

Other information on my Marketing Material Design order:

I need this by:

Other information on my Brand Design order:

The URL of the site I need maintenance on is:

I need this to start:

Other information on my Site Maintenance order:


The URL of the site I need re-designed is:

I need this by:

Other information on my Site Re-Design order:

Other Design Service:

I need this by:

Information on my Graphic Design order:

The type of jewelry I would like made is:
Ear Rings Bracelet Necklace

I would like my poster to be:
Default Resolution (72 dpi) Higher Resolution (100 dpi)
Excellent Resolution (120 dpi)

The size I want my poster is:

My T-Shirt will have something printed on:
One Side Two Sides
One Side, One Sleeve One Side, Two Sleeves
Two Sides, One Sleeve Two Sides, Two Sleeves

My T-Shirt will have:
One color More than one color I don't know yet

The shirt style I want is:

I need this by:

The product I need service on is:

The amount I need is:

Other information on my T-Shirt order:

Other information on my Poster order:

Other information on my Jewelry order:

And I also want to say:

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All Content Copyright 1998 - 2004 Mariko, Patricia Mayo. Any information obtained through this site will never be sold or otherwise distributed to third parties.